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  • Now you can cover your needs, and own your dream vehicle, by applying to personal finance products (with and without salary transfer).


    Features & Benefits:

    • Available to Saudis and expats (with and without salary transfer).
    • Financing of up to SAR 2,000,000 for finance product with salary transfer.
    • Financing of up to SAR 300,000 for finance product without salary transfer (Only for approved-employers list).
    • Repayment period of up to 5 years (60 months)
    • Competitive flat rate.
    • Full vehicle ownership, Freedom and Control
    • Free to choose the appropriate insurance
    • Instant approval
    • Free to choose the condition of the car (New/Second hand)
    • Fully Shariah-compliant financing solution.


    • The applicant must be at least 21 years of age and maximum 58 years.
    • For retirees, customer must be between 40 and 70 years of age.
    • A minimum total salary starts from (SAR 3,000) for finance product with salary transfer.
    • A minimum total salary starts from (SAR 10,000) for finance product without salary transfer.
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    Apply now for a SAB Car Loan


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